Safety and your vehicle questions

You’re having difficulty finding a parking space in a busy town. Can you park on the zigzag lines of a zebra crossing?

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How should you dispose of a used vehicle battery?

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On a vehicle, where would you find a catalytic converter?

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Where would parking your vehicle cause an obstruction?

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How can you reduce the environmental harm caused by your motor vehicle?

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How can you reduce the damage your vehicle causes to the environment?

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Why is it important to wear suitable shoes when you’re driving?

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What could you do to reduce the volume of traffic on the roads?

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What’s the legal minimum tread depth for tyres on your trailer or caravan?

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Which driving technique can help you save fuel?

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You have to make an unexpected journey. You’re carrying a five-year-old child on the back seat of your car. They’re under 1.35 metres (4 feet 5 inches) tall. How should you seat them if a correct child restraint isn’t available?

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When should you check the engine oil level?

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Why should you try and park in a secure car park?

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What does it mean if your vehicle keeps bouncing after you sharply press down and release on the bodywork over a wheel?

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What’s the purpose of road humps, chicanes and narrowings?

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What can you achieve if you drive smoothly?

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You’re parked on the road at night. When must you use parking lights?

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How can you help to prevent your car radio being stolen?

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What can cause excessive or uneven tyre wear?

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How would under-inflated tyres affect your vehicle?

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